- Interested in Being a Cardholder?add
Interested in being a Cardholder?
Visit UC Berkeley Controller’s Office, Procurement Card Program Overview, for various options for campus Procurement Cards. If you are interested in being a cardholder, follow the steps below before submitting a request to our Accounts Payable & Accounts Receivable team:
- Take the BluCard Program Basics (course code: BEPRO300) online training through the UC Learning Center.
- Take the BluCard Program Procedures (course code: BEPRO310) online training through the UC Learning Center.
- Request & gain access through a SARA request to ensure you are assigned as a reconciler for your procurement card transactions.
- Subscribe to the BFS users listserv in order to receive information regarding policies and procedures communicated through the campus listserv.
- Fill out the below applicable Cardholder Account Form (CAF)
- Submit the filled out BluCard or Event Planner Cardholder Account Form to the Student Affairs Business Operations Accounts Payable team by sending a request using our online request form.
When you receive your card, the cardholder is required to read, understand, and sign an Individual Delegation & Agreement form; and also will receive instructions on activating the card. The cardholder must keep the card and account number secure at all times. The department's Authorized Signer is responsible for ensuring that proper internal security procedures are in place. Only the cardholder has delegated authority to make purchases with their procurement card and NOT a departmental card.
- After the Fact (ATF) Purchasesadd
After the Fact (ATF) Purchase Orders:
Any Purchase that is made outside of the authority of the Chief Procurement Officer is an unauthorized commitment of University funds and may become the personal responsibility of the person making the unauthorized purchase.
Before processing the requisition for this unauthorized purchase, Supply Chain Management requires filling out the following ATF Justification Form.
Student Affairs has been informed by Central Supply Chaim Management and Risk Services that the following types of ATF's will require Vice Chancellor signature, and will be more strictly enforced in an effort to reduce risk to the University
- All service related invoices where no Certificate of Insurance (COI) is on file prior to commencement of the service for any and all purchases
- All service related invoices over $4,999
- All commercial goods over $4,999
- Anytime required documentation for an ATF Purchase is missing and cannot be provide (i. e certificate of insurance, sole source justification)