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Inquiries & Update Requests

  • Inquiry/Feedback

    Use this form if you have a general question, need help finding the right form or if you’d like to provide us with feedback.

  • Salesforce Request

    Use this form if you would like more information about Salesforce for Student Affairs or if you are a current user and need to make a change to your existing Salesforce setup.

  • Listserv Request
    To request access to a listserv or make an update please email Hollyann Larson (
  • Document Imaging & Scanning
    Place a ticket for any questions, support or interest you may have in our services: All transcripts High School, Undergrad, and Graduate, Checks, Applications.  We provide imaging and linking services using Perceptive Content while receiving documents electronically or by hand. Need more space? Let us help you eliminate cabinets and paperwork by storing your information electronically!  
  • Missing Transcripts

If more than 3 weeks have passed since you submitted your transcript, or other document please fill out this Missing Transcript form to create a case.  You will need your UC Berkeley email address and UC Berkeley ID along with any information regarding your missing transcript o document.  DO NOT fill out this form before 3 weeks have passed as this will delay our process.  If you have already submitted this form, please do not submit a duplicate inquiry. , if you have a question about your inquiry please respond directly to the email that contains your case information.  If your task list shows as incomplete, your document is NOT missing. Please use this link to contact your counselor

  • International High School Documents
    For assistance with shipping or receiving services both national and international including large, staggered, and customized.  Additionally request shipping or mail supplies here.
  • Mail Services/Shipping
    For assistance with shipping or receiving services both national and international including large, staggered, and customized.  Additionally request shipping or mail supplies here.
  • Publications & Swag Request

    Place a ticket here for all requests involving Publications or Swag currently inventoried at Sproul Hall 16 (A&E Only). Requests include, shipping, receiving, inventory requests for these materials only. If you need assistance shipping Publications or Swag not in our inventory please use the Mail Services/Shipping request form.

  • Student Affairs Financial Analysts
    Use this list to find the Financial Analyst for your department.