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Student Affairs Staff Experience Initiative

The Student Affairs Staff Experience Initiative is an initiative within the larger Division of Student Affairs Strategic Plan – specifically under our priority area of Creating a Culture of Equity and Belonging.

It is led by our Staff Experience Initiative Committee: Daisa Pimentel, Luis Rodriguez, Marvin Floyd, Tiffany Melendez, Meryl Motika, and Liz Seal. 

The goal of our initiative is to improve staff satisfaction and retention throughout the Division of Student Affairs.

Student Affairs Staff Experience Survey 

The Student Affairs Staff Experience Survey is the first major step of our initiative. We hope to use this survey data to gather baseline feedback about our Division’s policies, training, and staff resources. It will serve as a foundation to help us determine what improvements can be made. As Student Affairs staff your insights will be invaluable to us in our work on improving our culture of inclusion and belonging. 

The survey will close on October 17. Results will be shared out to all staff in early Spring.


Take the Student Affairs Staff Experience Survey


Managers can also download our Staff Experience flier (PDF) to post in break rooms and to hand out to employees. To request a paper version of this survey, contact or call 510-642-6758.

Sharing your experiences can take a lot of effort (and vulnerability!). Please read more below about how the survey will be conducted and how the data will be analyzed and used. 

Will my response be private? 

The survey is confidential. To make the survey more user friendly, the CalNet ID of each participant is collected at the beginning of the survey in order for us to group responses by unit and employee roll. The CalNet ID data will be removed prior to anyone looking at the data. Additionally, your response will be grouped together with other people’s responses for the analysis. If you are in a small department, your department will be grouped with other similar departments to make sure your response stays private.

If preferred, a fully anonymous version of this survey is available (without CalNet ID collection). Please note that this version of the survey is longer, as it includes additional questions about your work role and unit that are important for our analysis. 

How long does the survey take? 

The survey takes 7 minutes to complete. 

Is the survey offered in multiple languages? 

Yes! The survey is available in English, simplified Chinese, and Spanish (Latin American). 

I / my staff don’t have access to complete the survey online, are there paper versions? 

Yes! Paper versions have been distributed to managers in areas where our staff do not have email access / computer access. If you need access to paper copies, and do not yet have them, please reach out to Meryl Motika (Divisional Assessment and Research Analyst) directly at

Who will the data be shared with? 

The anonymous results of the survey will be examined by the Staff Experience Survey Strategic Plan Initiative Committee (Layla Naranjo, Donna Vivar, Daisa Pimentel, Meryl Motika, Luis Rodriguez, Marvin Floyd, Tiffany Melendez, Liz Seal). 

A summary of high-level findings of the results for the division as a whole will be shared with all staff this spring. 

Department-specific results will be shared with department leadership if there are enough responses to ensure you cannot be identified. Any response that could identify a specific individual  – such as for staff in very small units – will not be shared with department leaders.

What do I get for completing the survey? 

After completing the survey you will be able to enter a raffle drawing where we will give away 6 gift cards at a value of $50.00 each. There will be 2 raffles while the survey is still open and a final raffle after the survey closes.

I have questions about the survey, who do I go to? 

If you have any questions about the survey or how your response will be handled, please contact Meryl Motika (Divisional Assessment and Research Analyst) directly at

Members of the Staff Experience Initiative Committee are available to visit your department to answer questions about the survey. Please reach out to Daisa Pimentel ( to schedule a visit.


Thank you for making our Division a great place to work!